Gameday in Chapel Hill promises a buzz of excitement in the fall of 2025 – with thousands of fans decked out in Carolina blue, tailgates and tents bringing together family and friends, and new Head Coach Bill Belichick leading the Tar Heels!  

From this page, you can learn more about the selection process, click through to interactive maps of Kenan Stadium seating and parking, go to the selection (at your appointed selection time), or submit important proxy forms about your selection. The buttons below will direct you to the appropriate web location to address any of these needs.  

Selections begin on Wednesday, April 16, and will take place on most weekdays through late May. Your appointment time (shared with you via email and letter in mid-March) was determined by your Rams Club membership rank at the ticket deadline of March 3. At your appointment time, you will select any seats and parking for which you are eligible. At the conclusion of your selections, you will be prompted to complete your transaction for any amount due for your seats and/or parking. Please direct any questions to The Rams Club at or 919-843-2000.  

We look forward to seeing you in Kenan Stadium for the 2025 season of Carolina Football! 

Click the button above to learn more about the Seat Selection process.

COMING SOON – This link will be available the week of April 7.

COMING SOON – This link will be available for selections the week of April 16 (date of first appointments).

Complete this form if you cannot make your appointment time and/or you want Rams Club staff to make selections on your behalf. 

Want to coordinate your selection time with family and/or friends? Click here to complete a form requesting your appointment time to coincide with others.