The Seat Selection process occurs every three years to most fairly allocate seats and parking for Carolina Football while recognizing loyalty and giving. By utilizing the well-established Priority Point System – which rewards Rams Club members for years of membership and lifetime giving – The Rams Club can equitably allocate seating and parking. Additionally, the financial challenges facing Carolina Athletics are significant. This process rewards donors who step up to help meet those challenges with new and creative giving.
Kenan Stadium Seat Selection
Rams Club members have the ability to choose their own seats and parking locations for Carolina Football in 2025.
Carolina Football is excited to have coaching legend Bill Belichick leading the Tar Heels in 2025 – and as a Rams Club member, you have priority access to season tickets for this historical season!
The 2025 season marks a Kenan Stadium Seat Selection season – where you have the opportunity to choose your ticket location for the next three seasons. Below you will find key information about how seat selections work and how you might need to adjust your Rams Club membership to meet your ticket needs.

Seat Selection Information Booklet
Important Dates & Deadlines
Please note some important deadlines and dates for the Kenan Stadium Seat Selection process:
- March 3 – Deadline to Place Season Ticket Deposits. You must place a season ticket deposit for every seat you want for the 2025 season. The balance due on your tickets will be determined after your seat selection and is dependent upon which zone of seating you choose and the subsequent pricing.
- March 3 – Deadline to Finalize Your Rams Club Membership. Your 2024-25 Rams Club membership must be paid in full by March 3 or your gift must be scheduled for completion in order to choose seats based on your membership priority. Your membership level determines the number of season tickets you can select on priority and whether you qualify to purchase a parking pass.
- Mid-April to the End of May – Seat Selection Process. All active Rams Club members with a deposit in by March 3 and with their Rams Club membership paid in full or scheduled for payment by June 30 (the membership year-end) will have the opportunity to choose their seats and associated parking during the Kenan Stadium Seat Selection process. This process will take place from mid-April through late May with selection appointments determined by your rank within the Rams Club membership. Appointment times will be shared in mid-March.

Guiding Principles of Kenan Stadium Seat Selection
The Equity Seating process was first implemented in 2011 to give Rams Club members the ability to choose their own season seat and parking locations most fairly for Carolina Football. The process stands upon three guiding principles:
- Fairness … Each Rams Club member has the same opportunity to select seats and parking based on the same set of guidelines and priority system.
- Recognition of Loyalty & Giving … Your support is a primary factor in getting you the best available seats and parking for gameday. The Priority Point System determines membership rank among all Rams Club members based on years of membership and giving. That system determines your selection position. Please note that The Rams Club uses Home Points for seat selections and Lifetime Points for parking selections (click the button below for more information on this distinction).
- The Choice Is Yours … You get to pick your seats at your appointment time – and find just the right location for you.
Primary Features of the Kenan Stadium Seat Selection
- Seat and parking selection times are based on your membership rank as of March 3. Seat and parking selection appointment times will be determined by your priority points as of March 3 – the deadline for placing ticket deposits and making gifts that can affect your membership rank.
- The number of seats and parking you can select on priority are determined by your membership level. A member may buy as many tickets as he or she chooses, but the number of tickets available for priority selection is determined by membership level. Priority Group A (with ticket maximums listed below) will be sorted by rank, then Priority Group B. The table below outlines the number of seats available on priority to each level.
- Selections will lock in your location for the next three seasons. The next Seat Selection process is scheduled for 2028. This 2025 selection process will lock in your seat and parking locations for the 2025, 2026, and 2027 Carolina Football seasons as long as your membership level does not decrease between 2025 and 2027.

Seat Selection Ticket Options
Membership Level | Annual Gift | Tickets on Priority |
Priority Group A | ||
Endowed Scholarship | up to 20 tickets | |
Legend | $50,000 | up to 20 tickets |
Champion | $28,000 | up to 20 tickets |
All-American | $14,000 | up to 19 tickets |
Coaches Circle | $7,000 | up to 15 tickets |
Super Ram | $4,000 | up to 11 tickets |
Battering Ram | $3,500 | up to 11 tickets |
Strutting Ram | $2,200 | up to 7 tickets |
Big Ram | $1,400 | up to 5 tickets |
Rameses | $700 | up to 3 tickets |
Priority Group B | ||
Ram | $225 | up to 5 tickets |
Tar Heel | $100 | up to 3 tickets |
Other Rules & Policies

- Premium seats (Pope Box, Koury Boxes, the Mezzanine and the Blue Zone) are not reassigned as part of the Equity Seating process. However, parking selection is part of the Equity Seating process.
- Premium seats do not count toward priority limits on season tickets.
- A Rams Club member must be active at the Big Ram membership level or higher and have a Carolina Football season ticket purchase to qualify for parking selection. Members at the qualified giving levels may purchase one parking pass with their season ticket order. A second parking pass can be purchased if the priority season ticket order is for 6 tickets or more; a third pass for orders of 10 or more, etc.
- Parking purchases will take place during the selection process, and will not be part of the season ticket order in advance of selection. Balances due for parking selections will be collected at the conclusion of your parking selection.
- If two or more members want to select seats together, all parties involved must inform The Rams Club by April 15. The selection priority for all members involved in a group will be based upon the lowest priority rank of the members involved.
Important Dates for Kenan Stadium Seat Selection
Frequently Asked Questions
To most fairly allocate seating assignments, no members are guaranteed that they will be able to retain their old seat location.
Online selection of seats for the 2025 season will be through a dedicated website just for the selection process. This site will launch in March. Rams Club members will be provided with the website and login instructions in advance of their appointment time. Additionally, members who choose to not select online will have an opportunity to visit campus to choose their seats in person, submit a proxy request in writing so that a staff member can choose their seats, or call the selection center at their appointed time. Information on these options will be forthcoming to all members with a season ticket order.
Those with premium seat leases in Kenan Stadium will take part in the Seat Selection process for parking only. You will receive an appointment time to select parking based on your membership ranking.
Members with a season ticket purchase will be notified of their appointment time in mid-March. The first appointment will be in mid-April, and selections will run through most of May.
Members can “group” their season tickets with other friends who are Rams Club members. If you want to choose your seats at the same time as your friends to guarantee that you will sit next to one another, your appointment times will be based upon the member with the lowest rank in your group. For example, a group of members with rankings of #542, #1568 and #3077 will choose at the slot for #3077. Fans will have an opportunity to fill out a group intention form before March 3.
With the 2025 selection, you are locking in your seat and parking locations for the next three seasons as long as your membership level does not decrease in that time frame. The next selection process is scheduled before the 2028 season.
Members may order as many season tickets as they want but will only be allowed to choose on priority the number of tickets their membership level allows (the corresponding list is included above). Any tickets ordered beyond your priority limit will be assigned by Athletic Ticket Office staff after Priority Groups A and B have made selections.
Sample Member Scenarios
- Don is a Big Ram member ranked #440. He currently has 4 seats in the main bowl and a parking pass (because of his Big Ram level). Don will receive an appointment slot that allows him to choose both items at the same time based on his rank.
- Don from Example 1 estimates that he will not get the seats he desires but thinks he could get the seats he wants if he had 50 more priority points (thus possibly improving his rank). Don can make an undesignated gift of $5,000 by the priority point deadline of March 3 to get those 30 points … or he could make a gift of $2,500 to the Excellence Fund while priority points are being awarded at a 2x rate. His gift does not guarantee his rank or seats but will likely improve his standing.
- Jim is a Rameses member who has bought 2 seats in the past but wants 4 seats in 2025. Steve will need to increase his membership level to Big Ram by the priority deadline of March 3 to choose 4 seats together. If he does not and remains a Rameses level member, he will have the chance to choose up to 3 of his seats on priority in Priority Group A, and have any remaining seats assigned in the “Surplus” tickets group (resulting in two separate locations).
- Steve is a Rameses member who has bought 2 seats in the past but wants 4 seats in 2022. Steve will need to increase his membership level to Big Ram by the priority deadline of April 15 to choose 4 seats together. If he does not and remains a Rameses level member, he will have the chance to choose up to 3 of his seats on priority in Priority Group A, and have any remaining seats assigned in the “Surplus” tickets group (resulting in two separate locations).
- Susan is a new donor who wants 2 seats in Kenan Stadium and joins at the Rameses level. She will be able to choose seats in line with other members with 9 points (6 points for his $600 gift and 3 points for a year of membership) in Priority Group A. If she wants to improve her standing, she could make an additional gift to earn more priority points (i.e., the Excellence Fund with 2x points).
- Tom is a Coaches Circle member who currently has 8 seats in the Pope Box and 10 seats in the main bowl. Tom can have up to 15 tickets on priority in the main bowl as a Coaches Circle member. Will Tom have to give up any of his 18 seats? No. Tom’s seats in the Pope Box are considered “premium seats” and do not apply to the limit to purchase up to 15 seats on priority. He will choose the location of the 10 seats in the main bowl based upon membership rank within Priority Group A, while his 8 seats in the Pope Box remain locked into their location.
- Todd has 4 seats in the Blue Zone. Will his seats within the Blue Zone be reassigned within the Blue Zone? No. The Blue Zone seats are “premium seats” and are not subject to re-selection. Todd will need to select parking if he does not have a space guaranteed by an existing contract.
- Eileen is ranked #2807. Her friends with whom she currently has neighboring seats are ranked #2126 and #3814. They want to choose their seats together and have notified The Rams Club of this intention. Each member in the group must be in the same Priority Group and will choose based on the lowest-ranked member – in this case #3814. Their appointment times will be simultaneous.
- Rob has been attending games at Kenan Stadium with his parents for many years. He wants to maintain seats in the same area as his parents. Can he inherit his parents’ priority? Rams Club policy does not allow points and ticket rights in Kenan Stadium to be passed down. To maintain similar priority to his parents, Rob will need to make gifts to build his points to a level consistent with his parents’ rank.